Tuesday, June 29, 2010

zhi xiang dui ni shuo

妳曾說不想有天讓我知道 妳對他 有那麼好
妳說會懂 我的失落 不是靠寬容 就能夠解脫

我以為我出現的時候剛好 妳和他 正說要分開
我以為妳 己對他不再期待 不縱容他 再給妳傷害

我以為我的溫柔 能給妳整個宇宙
我以為我能全力 填滿妳感情的缺口
專心陪在妳左右 彌補他一切的錯
也許我太過天真 以為奇蹟會發生

他讓妳紅了眼眶 妳卻還笑著原諒
我以為我夠堅強 卻一天天的失望
少給我一點希望 希望就不是奢望
我以為我的溫柔 能給妳整個宇宙
我以為我能全力 填滿妳感情的缺口
專心陪在妳左右 彌補他一切的錯
也許我太過天真 以為奇蹟會發生

他讓妳紅了眼眶 妳卻還笑著原諒
我以為我夠堅強 卻輸得那麼絕望
少給我一點希望 希望就不是奢望

little clown under the rain

Friday, June 18, 2010

remain silent not to say that i am sad
cause i am dumb

my heart is so pain right now..
no medicine pls =(

Friday, June 11, 2010


it is the 4th day after my birthday
which means it past for 72 hours ++
the memory of that night will be saved in my mind
till the day i end up with my last breathe

standing on the top of the world
windy wind blew
with the land that full of lights
and fireworks
yet and most important is the person
could you imagine how is the situation will be?
will be so sweet xD

i had my sweet 19!!
wohoooo.. ^^

nan peng you,
wo hao ai ni yo!! xD

Saturday, June 5, 2010


since the day u leave me without a reason and left me to the corner of the world, don't u know that i feel so lonely? u made me so bad, i am so down..

2 more days to be nightmare
could i forget bout the day?